something that is not nice, mean or show offy.
I cant believe they did that its so aybe.
Those people are very aybe.
by Manish Gee December 12, 2006
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Short for 'All Your Base,' which is short for 'all your base are belong to us'
by Bastardized Bottomburp March 21, 2003
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1.To be uber-owned.
Derives from the gaming term "All your base are belong to us"
2. A word or phrase that got defined by AYB.
1. Zomg that puta just got AYBed.
2. Damn it, that's AYBed.
by AwexomeCross November 21, 2006
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uber-owned, totally destroyed, pwned, got kicked in the ass, etc...
Means totally have been owned, comes from "All your base are belong to us"
You just got AYBed by teh number one playah.
by AwexomeCross November 21, 2006
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An Urban Dictionary regular who is hated because many of his posts are obviously some of the better definitions on this site, and his posts usually have proper spelling and grammar. Can't honestly say that about the posts normally made by those who hate him.
Looks like AYB hasn't been posting lately. Probably found something else to do besides posting on Urban Dictionary.
by Lauren X May 15, 2004
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An author of some clever daffynitions.
AYB wrote daffynitions of we need to talk, tornado alley, valley girl, cult, Christianity, obese, freedom fries, and Life. Darn! Some duh-weeb removed some of his better ones.
by Downstrike May 26, 2004
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Looks like the last real post that anti-American faggot made was the Radioshack post. Good riddance, AYB, and I hope you died.
Let's mess AYB's rep by posting shit in his name. With any luck, people will recommend for deletion all his posts. :^D
by AYB is teh cocksuxor May 26, 2004
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