Bullshit response you get from girls/guys when they reject you after asking them out, only to be left sitting on your couch watching the TV thinking "Wait... That doesn't even make sense..."
"She likes me...
As a friend
Shes loves me...
As a friend
Shes Crazy about me!!!
As a friend! As a friend!"
by Mr. Goblin face May 30, 2004
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Here's the scoop, boys and girls. Women pidgeonhole men into two categories, Friend and Jerk. Men who are chivalrous, polite, sophisticated, etc. are instantly relegated to "Friend" status. Men who treat women like shit are "Jerks."

Women love Friends but consider them unfuckable because they are not masculine enough. Women hate Jerks because they are asswipes but fuck them anyway. Thus, every woman in the world fucks Jerks and then complains to her Friend about how badly the Jerk treats her.
Just more proof that women are totally irrational.
by Do I Have To Slap A Bitch?! September 22, 2004
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1)A verbal slap to the face when someone wants to break up with you.
2) A verbal slap to the face when someone doesn't like you in a sexual way.
1) I think we should just be friends.
2)I like you, but only as a friend.
by The Lionhearted March 29, 2005
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Used to to draw the line in a relationship, most commonly between men and women. When said by a man, means "you're not attractive enough for me." Can also mean the same when said by a woman, but there's the more devious "you are not manly enough for me," which is to say "wishy washy."
Mike, you're a really cool guy, but I only like you as a friend.
by Scott Saxe March 29, 2005
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A term of rejection used to soften the the blow when dumping someone.

Often used with other phases like
"You are like a big brother to me."
"You are such a nice guy." and "It's not you, it's me."
Girl saying to boyfriend in training:
"You are such a nice guy, and I love you as a friend ...... "
by caxwl May 27, 2004
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