Inspired by the Friday Night Project, Arsehole is apparently 'A man driving a BMW while talking on his mobile phone'... Arsehole!
That guy driving in his BMW while talking on his mobile phone is an arsehole!
by huds601 March 25, 2005
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a congregation of PhD holders, gathered with the aim of making themselves feel smart, particularly in a office environment.
That table over there is the arsehole, it's where all the people with PhDs hang out trying to look smart.
by CandyVanMan May 14, 2015
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derogatory term for someone who is a bit of a bawbag, or wankfuck
look at that fucking arsehole paul lambert, the man can barely speak. what an arsehole.
by archie mccracken August 3, 2003
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People who take many pictures of themselves which look different to their real world appearance for the benefit of attention on Facebook
Dude have you seen how many profile pictures this girl has ? They're all pictures she takes of herself as well !

What an arsehole.
by Tinker Bellend August 12, 2011
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My mothers ex best friend, who fucked her daughter in law and stabbed her in the back. Et tu, Brutus! She spent half her life giving him things, taking him to England, and generally treating him like her son, before he decided to follow his dick like the arsehole he is.
Shaun, you're an arsehole, mate.
by Kate March 11, 2004
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