noun: arrows, darts, flingers, points, pfliegens... el dartios, el flingtos.
adjective, arrers i.e particularly good arrers

*watch my arrers
*i've just flung my arrers. smell my arrers.
*how's your arrers? no bad.. yours? aye, no bad. but not a patch on my arrers? ... aye? what are your arrers like?

by Louise Lualubelle September 9, 2006
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noun: arrows, darts, flingers, points, pfliegens... el dartios, el flingtos.
adjective, arrers i.e particularly good arrers

*watch my arrers
*i've just flung my arrers. smell my arrers.
*how's your arrers? no bad.. yours? aye, no bad. but not a patch on my arrers? ... aye? what are your arrers like?

by Louise Lualubelle September 9, 2006
Get the arrers mug.