Fucking stupid bitch named Karen who decided that "fuck basic science, vaccines cause autism and make people gay!"
"I'm an antivaxx! Vaccines cause autism and make people gay!"
"Shut the fuck up Karen, your kids are already gay."
by 91fucking1 April 26, 2019
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Also know as pro-diseasers, they are a kind of madman who intentionally put in risk the future of humanity by not taking any kind of vaccines, thus putting already eradicated diseases back on the tracks.

They believe vaccines are a secret weapon created by Hitler alongside Donald Trump and Barney to control people's mind or some stupid bullshit like that, and refuse to be vaccinated, and also don't let their children get vaccinated by any means.

A healthy antivaxxer's kid will live a long life, dying from natural causes at the age of three, generally from polio or measles.
Antivaxxer: Tommy, are you happy because you didn't get brainwashed by vaccines?
Tommy: "my time has come"
by Some fucker took my name July 5, 2019
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A person who opposes forced, coerced or even mandatory vaccinations over the objections of an individual.
Branch Covidian: You're just an anti-vaxxer who won't follow the law that says you have to have a Covid vaccine.
Normal Person: I don't support people the right of a person to choose what to do with their body being taken from them, I'm a Super-Antivaxxer
by SpiffDSpaceman May 13, 2021
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The worst fucking thing to be on the earth, think furry x antivaxxers, i mean seriously what the fuck?!
Furry AntiVaxxer: I like vore and not vaccinating. thats why they call us Furry AntiVaxxers
by Racist Slurs Are Funny February 14, 2021
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stupid person who belives covid is a hoax/not that bad/or they "dId ThEiR oWn ReSeArCh"
"these antivaxxers need to get their act together yo"
by evan_was_here October 1, 2021
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