Complete and total failure when success should have been reasonably easy to attain.
<after getting pwned in a video game>

Player1 Dude, we just got reamed
Player2 Yeah, Epic Fail
by scolemann March 19, 2008
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Epic- Anything great, spectacular, or large/monumental in nature

Fail- An inability to complete an objective, task or job either assigned or volunteered for.

Epic Fail -A mistake of such monumental proportions that it requires its own term in order to sucessfully point out the unfathomable shortcomings of an individual or group.
Jack: Uh, dude? I may or may not have wrecked 14 ferrari's with my moped after derailing a whole train carrying nothing but kittens and puppies...

Jim: Epic Fail, Man. EPIC Fail.
by Operative 668 March 25, 2008
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A Fail So Hard That One Only Witnesses It Once In Life Time.
This Definition Is Nowhere Near An Epic Fail.
by AnounymousInternets December 2, 2009
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The highest form of fail known to man. Reaching this level of fail means only one thing:

You must die, or the world will fail itself due to such an extreme level of failage.
<Noob>:OMG I gotz teh myspaces n mah yootoobs rool n sutf n u sux cuz u has no myscapes!

<Me>: Epic fail.
by Lawligation October 27, 2007
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An epic fail is like the God of all failures. Nothing can fail more then that.
Sara was just sitting on her skateboard, then ended up with road rash.
by Candy from Slovakia June 10, 2009
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Similar to fail, but at an even larger, more pitiful scale. Sometimes so pitiful or pathetic, some will either sympathize that person or will not say anything, due to the fail being so large that words cannot describe it.
Person 1: Hi, Tech Support? I need help with my computer, it seems to keep rebooting.

Person 2: Ok, before we do anything, have you tried rebooting?

Person 1: ._.

Conclusion: Person 2 has had an Epic Fail
by DHB April 27, 2008
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