punt predates the AIM definition with its use on AOL.

To punt someone was to kick them offline through the use of a known IM exploit, usually with a program written expressly for that purpose. It was usually something like a buffer overflow or what not.
dude, i just punted that whore
by laissez faire September 21, 2004
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To fail miserably
I punted that test last week
by Wings0298 March 19, 2010
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1. Uncooked egg whites look just like punt.

2. I finger blasted Stacy so hard she started to punt all over the couch.
by Qwiif February 12, 2007
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The act of going on a trek from the southern tip of Puntland, to the northern tip of the Horn, and finally bathing in the Guardafui Channel (marinka gardafuul)
they're about to go punting
by readyforthemoon55 October 2, 2019
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Yo wanna go get dinner?
I'm punting.
by Punter02 November 5, 2020
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When a woman fucks a man in the ass with a strap-on. In other words, kicking the ball to the other team.
I walked in on Jane punting John and I almost puked.
by Bert Skills October 24, 2003
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Noun: A flat-bottomed boat, ideal for exploring the Rivers Cherwell and Isis. Can carry 5 or 6 passengers, and ought to be stocked with champagne, Pimm's, chocolates and strawberries prior to departure.

Verb: To spend a period of time - ideally an afternoon - in such a vessel. (Generally used as a gerund.)
College finally bought a punt, so we needn't wait in line with the tourists this weekend.

What a lovely afternoon, let's go punting!
by DreamingSpires August 30, 2004
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