Cult losers who will talk and gossip behind your back about how they’ll mug you and act all gangsta but run off like cowards when you confront them or act self righteous and bring up police.
by Preraksoni March 4, 2022
Alyssa joined aiesec rmit because her ex was involved with the aiesec group before he dumped her, and so she joined aiesec to figure out what her ex saw in aiesec that he didn’t see in her
by preraksoniofficial March 18, 2022
A group where horny weirdos and wannabe politicians come together to play Fuck-Marry-Kill and worship dogs and wolves. Mostly run by unemployed dick-deprived single moms and gay prigs who get enthused over inflated ideas of their own importance. Essentially a mother’s club and bears much resemblance to Hitler’s youth.
by Cunt20 September 23, 2020
Why did you join AIESEC?
AIESECer: To become a leader and take over the world so that I can take revenge on all the people who rejected me in my childhood and achieve peace and fulfilment of my impotency.
AIESECer: To become a leader and take over the world so that I can take revenge on all the people who rejected me in my childhood and achieve peace and fulfilment of my impotency.
by EjArizo molest alyssa March 29, 2022
Place where horny weirdos and wannabe politicians come together to play Fuck-marry-kill and worship dogs and wolves. Mostly run by unemployed dick-deprived single moms and gay prigs who get enthused over inflated ideas of their own importance. Bears much resemblance to the Hitler Youth.
by Cunt20 September 23, 2020
Place where horny weirdos and wannabe politicians come together to play FMK and worship dogs and wolves. Mostly run by unemployed dick-deprived single moms and gay prigs who get enthused over inflated ideas of their own importance. Bears much resemblance to the Hitler Youth.
by Cunt20 September 23, 2020
AIESEC is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential. Founded after WWII with the vision of "peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential". By facilitating an international work based exchange programme, AIESEC members develop induviduals with an overriding commitment to international cooperation and understanding.
by HuDongQing August 16, 2005