Phonetic contraction of Aphex Twin, though considered a name in its own right.
AFX is one of Richard D. James' many pseudonyms
by Denzil June 11, 2005
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stands for 'aphex twin'
by a-ef-ex September 6, 2003
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Application framework X. A crappy Win16 abstraction API that
eventually became a crappy Win32 abstraction API called MFC.
Commonly used by join-the-dots "programmers" who do
everything using MFC Class Wizard.

MFC salutes its AFX heritage with a load of function names
and .h files prefixed with Afx.

a typical AFX/MFC programmer will be heard asking questions
that demonstrate their total and utter ignorance
of the Win32 API.

e.g. duhh... what's an WNDCLASSEX?

by moochinaround November 11, 2006
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Have you been using AFX lately?

Yeah After Effects is great
by skullking123 May 19, 2009
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Away from xbox; just like saying afk but for xbox.
Mark: Hey dude stop being afx, your getting the shit sniped out of you!
by Alec Garcia June 28, 2008
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a small nocturnal, base keeping creature.
AFX, fix the fuckin inv's dammit!!
by el_presidente October 12, 2003
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