The post coital dirty look a woman gives a man when he's sexually satisfied but she isn't.
Nancy and I made love last night. I basked in the afterglow while she gave me the afterglower.
by SJ@24 August 21, 2009
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(noun) The visible blush on a young woman's face directly or shortly after she has just received a fast and satisfactory fuck in her
The afterglow on Ashley's face was impossible to not notice when Momma exclaimed to both her and Kyle, the two guilty parties, "My goodness, children, and only been going steady for a little under a month and already turning my home into some kind of Sodom and Gomorrah. Good heavens, children".
by Nikki Stixx August 20, 2020
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A sense of fulfillment, completeness, and general wellbeing that one feels after the effects of a psychoactive drug have faded, which can last from anywhere between one hour, and several days.
The acidhead basked in the afterglow the morning after the lsd session.
by der psychonaught February 3, 2004
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It’s like if the word “trippy” was a feeling or an emotion.
After tripping for 12 hours on acid, I had a strong afterglow for the rest of the day.
by Luke2112 July 2, 2019
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The look of contentment on a person's face after great sex.
After her third orgasm her face showed a lot of afterglow.
by Numbnuts March 2, 2006
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When you still feel like you are rolling 1 or more days after you take ecstasy. Lights are still intense, sounds still sound amazing, and you still have that "lovey" feeling.
Man, i dropped three pills last night and right now I've got major afterglow!
by lbomber7 June 16, 2008
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