Strong green liqueur containing wormwood. Bright green and causes hallucinations.
To consume absinthe, pour sugar on a spoon, set it alight and dip the caramelized sugar into the drink, adding an equal amount of water to extinguish the flame.
by Anonymous April 13, 2003
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a strong alcoholic drink usually green. illegal in america. can numb the mouth, and is advised to be the only drink of the evening when drinking

MAN, Weck!! You had absinthe after what amounted to four shots of brandy and followed it by two shots of jagermeister on your last night in Berlin!
by WECK January 6, 2006
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A green liquid containing 60-80% alcohol and wormwood absinth. Good absinth (illegal in most countries) can cause hallucination. Bad absinth just gets you really wasted. Many people believe absinth was the cause of a lot of old French guys going crazy in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The Stanford Tri Delt was straight tore up when I was sober, but as I downed more and more absinth, she magically transformed to beat to slightly below average to nothing to write home about to blowed. Then I got her indabutt and was very surprised when I woke up next to a disgusting pig the next morning.
by Nick D December 4, 2003
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Absinth is a modern product originating in the 1990s.

Absinth is produced mainly in the Czech republic where it gets its Bohemian moniker. It doesn't contain anise, fennel or other herbs normally found in absinthe and can be extremely bitter. Often the only similarity is the use of wormwood and a high alcohol content, and it should be considered a different product. Since there are currently few legal definitions for absinthe, producers have taken advantage of its romantic associations and psychoactive reputation to market their products under a similar name. Many Bohemian style producers heavily market thujone content, exploiting the myths that surround thujone even though none of them contain enough thujone to cause a noticeable effect.
Absinth Gets you good and drunk, But no Green Fairy.
by Beuford March 21, 2006
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Known as Absinthe, Absinth, Green Fairy, Emerald wine
1) 70% alcohol drink with an active ingredient that makes absinthe so unique called Thujon.
2) hardcore trip shit
Usually drank according to an old ritual: a sugar cube is dipped in absinthe and then placed on a special spoon. The sugar is then lit on fire. Sugar drips into the drink through holes in the spoon. Cold water is then added and the drink is ready to drink. Also drinkable in shooter (strongest absinth ever is 90% and the weakest is 55% i think)
by Filthy Ninja December 14, 2005
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green alcohol drink. Good stuff is halucenogenic. Bad stuff just gets you drunk as hell. Either way it's worth it. Tastes horrendous. Tastes good with a bit of chocolate candy. Reccomend drinking it with a sugar cube. If your gonna have an international plane flight the next day. I reccomend stopping some where short of puking drunk if you can manage it. Because if you don't puke the hangover is pretty manageable.
Friend of mine sees cat on street during walk home. Starts chasing it and shout "you are my destiny!"
by ch123123123 August 21, 2005
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"Absinthe, the drink that makes you want to kill yourself instantly".
by Uncle Jez January 7, 2010
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