the fear of running out of reading material. Since you do not have to worry about this problem so long as you are reading this book, let's examine this joke of a word more closely.
oh no I think I might have Abibliophobia
by LitFamManDan2Nan February 3, 2017
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An intense, all-consuming fear of running out of things to read.
I just finished rereading Eclipse for the eighteenth time and Breaking Dawn doesn't come out for another month and a half... -burncrashdie-

Abibliophobia is quickly becoming an epidemic, but not quickly enough.
by Mallow-chan June 30, 2008
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An immense and terrifying thought of running out of new books to read.
I'm out of books!!!
-abibliophobia takes over-
(Starts sweating)
by Sydalou2 February 19, 2017
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When a fucking nerd flips out because they lost their book(s). If you find it, the book was very short and titled "My Social Life".
When he can't find his book, it's like Hell with his abibliophobia.
by KLC_04 April 3, 2017
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Fear of not having a bible
Oh god, I don't have a bible!

Jesus Jeffrey, you must have Abibliophobia
by JoeylikesArson January 9, 2022
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