A filthy cheater and scumbag, playing for the New York Yankees. He just admitted to using steroids from 2001-2003, although he still falied in big situations, and he only admitted once the story had already broken.

For the example, I'd like to quote Seth Meyers from SNL's Weekend Update, sometime in February 2009:
"Earlier this week, in an interview with Sports Illustrated, Alex Rodriguez (A-Roid), of the New York Yankees, admitted to taking steroids earlier in his career -- although, Apparently, never in October."
by ISWEARITWASMYCOUSIN!!! April 16, 2009
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New York Yankees All-Star Third Baseman Alex Rodriguez (Nickname: A-Rod) on Steroids.
A-Roid goes down on strikes in the clutch once again.
by Andy Vantana February 8, 2009
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New nickname for baseball-star Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) based on his recent confession to Sports Illustrated in which he admitted to taking steroids during his 2003 season with the Texas Rangers.
Barry: Yo! Did you hear about A-Rod?!?!?
Jose: You mean A-Roid?
Barry: Yeah, it's such an eye opener! I never saw it coming!
by Arsenio H. February 16, 2009
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Slang Used In Ireland/Dublin.
To find someone sexually attractive
Generally You Would "Ride Them"
Shes a little Roide
by .:Anon:. June 21, 2007
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the irish slang for a sexual act. usually spoken in broad north dublin accent by drunken bums such as characters in books by Roddy Doyle
would it be a roide you're after?
by An Irish Gentleman November 1, 2006
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A shortened name used in place of anabolic steroids
The Big buff football player takes roids everyday before practice
by Roid Rage December 7, 2005
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