A really beautiful and smart middle eastern girl who has the most amazing personality. In Arabic it means "the raining clouds". She is extremely gorgeous and has a sexy body. Many people adore her because she is just her, she is an honest person with a pure heart and soul. She is basically what PERFECTION is all about.
I wish I was as pure as Dima.....
by Devereux April 5, 2017
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Dumbass, vapes in school, thinks he is sick, loves girls whose name start with F. He has a lot of money, actually never mind it's his dad's money. Most importantly, has a micro penis.
Person 1: You are such a Dima in bed :((((
Person 2: It is what it is, you either get nothing or a micro penis
by MertieCock November 23, 2021
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John: I love DIMA.
Mike: Are you a fag?
by P.I.M.P.I.N October 7, 2010
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stands for: Dick In My Ass
most likley a bleached blonde prep, that cant stop talking.
by 5th hour April 27, 2007
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Acronym for Did I Miss Anything. Often used after "brb", "bbl" "afk", and the like.
Person 1: Brb
Person 2: K
Person 1: Back, dima?
Person 2: Wb and nm.
by loveredone January 7, 2011
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asshole that uses girls. uses internet to find underaged girls, fucks them, then drops them.
by v-s-o-p November 24, 2006
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