The war cry of absolute meme lords.

To be said while dabbing, T-posing, going full-on unholy creature, or derping. Bonus points if you make this a war cry in Miitopia.
Charlie the 12 year old rager, while playing Minecraft: Khan, you fracking rear end! I’m gonna murder your guy so bad, you absolute mothefu-
Khan: YO MAMA 69!!!
Charlie: …Wtf?
by Scratchykit August 22, 2023
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she shouldve worn a condom
nigga fuck yo mama - chief keef
by chronicdave October 23, 2022
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A meme that involves the death of your creator/mother
-I've got robux you don't, loser
-That's why yo mama dead
by Tulipsareass March 10, 2022
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It’s a day where the “yo mama” phrase will finally become a day and that day will be ok mother’s day
Ayy yo homie, today is yo mama day.
by CONCO December 4, 2020
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