Take pleasure in privacy often, enjoy protecting it. Excellent business. Inherent love of science, capacity for innovative research. Proud, determined, refuse to take no for ananswer when pursuing love. Ego is at stake. Romantic, idealistic, often in love with love itself, not seeing your partner as he or she really is. Feel deeply, throw all of yourself into your relationships. Enjoy playing love games. Like to stay out of trouble because there is always something for you to do. A fighter, apply to achieving desires. Courage to stand by decisions no matter what opposition. Sexual, sensual, very independent. If you can’t have it your way, you will forgot the whole thing. Want to control your relationships, which doesn’t always work out too well. You respond to physical stimulation and spending hours just feeling and exploring. However, if you can spend your time making money, you will give up the pleasures of the flesh for the moment. Need to prove to yourself and your partner what a great lover you are. Want feedbacks on your performance. Open, stimulating, romantic bed mate. Like hanging out with friends when you have time. Enjoy the company of others in social gatherings. Great imagination your finest talent. Restless, nervous and petulant, seeking companionship. Fantasy and delight in the weird assist in new endeavors. Study a factual subject, especially history. Impulsive with low boredom threshold. Intensive study satisfies not, metaphysical interests do.
Wytie: Good imitator, needing enterprising people around. Sensitive, private, and sexually passive; Like a partner who takes the lead. You fantasise and tend to fall in and out of love. When in love, romantic, idealistic, mushy, extremely changeable. Enjoy having your senses, your feelings stimulated, titillated, teased. Can make your relationships fit your dreams, all in your own head. Could be temperamental sometimes. Talent in your greatest love and inspiration. Have a great need to be loved, appreciated, even worshipped. Enjoy luxury, sensuality, pleasures of the flesh. Fussy, exacting about having your desires satisfied. Sometimes downright lustful. Very exciting person. Timidity recedes as you mature. Secretiveness, selfishness give power, lose support unless craving for money and power moderated. Innate intelligence, diplomacy bring ambition to fruition. Use, develop, and apply imagination and succeed, but avoid irrationality. Greatest need is to talk. If your date is not a good listener, have trouble relating. Need a friend for a lover, a companion for a bed mate. Hate disharmony and disruption, but do enjoy a good argument once in a while-it seems to stir things up. Once you give your heart away, you are uncompromisingly loyal. When you don’t have a good lover to fall asleep with, you will fall asleep with a good book.
by WYTI May 5, 2022
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