The best compliment you can ever get from a mathematician.

For those of you who are confused, here's an explanantion:

All mathematicians, whether pure or applied mathematicians, will have studied their fair share of pure mathematics. Many mathematical theorems (statements that are shown to be unquestionably true) are of the form "There exists something in some collection of mathematical objects such that amazing property is true". This type of theorem is called an existence theorem. Essentially, when a mathematician says "WOW! YOU EXIST!" to you, they are refering to these existence theorems and that you're amazing.
In Baldi's basics, if you answer all 3 questions in the first notebook correctly, Baldi compliments you with "WOW! YOU EXIST!". I then thought Baldi was a based chad, until that impossible question...
by EpicScientician December 6, 2021
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A phrase from an old NES game called Bokasuka Wars (which is regarded as the worst game ever by many). Whenever the player lost the game (which was quite often), the words "WOW, YOU LOSE" appaeared on-screen.
Player: *loses game*
by ShadowMan February 15, 2004
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Phrase coined by the World of Warcraft forums which became a popular explitive when referring to how you feel about someone, ie. "Wow, you're an ass"
WoW you A Dude ass

the 40% spell damge was not Perce holy damge you Dum Reroll pally to Druid

It was a sunny sunday day in alabama. Sharon put her pup on the leash and began their routine morning run. Sharon's eye caught a young beefy man hunk, and while her attention was turned , she and her pup took opposite sides of a light post. Sharon jolted forward and fell, injuring her left knee. 'WoW you A Dude Ass!' she exlcaimed. Her pup yowled
by g0thiC_iCe_cReaM April 1, 2009
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I am madly in love with you
Maria- *walks in*
Me- ‘wow you look pog’
by christianjm11284 October 31, 2020
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Here's an idea! . Also, this has to have the word in it so ignore this: Wow, you actually found this word?! Ridiculous!
by ScottCarammell14 November 6, 2017
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Sarah is such a cool person that when you see her you can't resist opening your mouth and say: "Wow Sarah, why you look so cool dude?"
Wow Sarah, why you look so cool dude?
Wow! Sarah why you look so cool dude?
Dude wow?! Sarah why you look so cool
by gluten free banana bread December 17, 2019
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