The flap of skin between the index finger and thumb. Also known as a "gyna."
May I have the honor of touching your webbie?
by buttslapper81 October 23, 2010
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CUTE with puupy dog eyes and the cutest smile EVER!!
Webby's not's just always cold!
by Steph and B! February 26, 2004
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webby is short for describing a website on the internet.
"I give you props for your webby! not many artists have stuff up on the net."
by Yann Traboulsi May 8, 2007
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a very high level of pimpin. a webbie level is a level of longevity. This means when someone is on a webbie level they can go for wateva in what they are doing. to be on this level someone must be raking in pussy like leaves in yo momma'a front yard when fall hit. someone on a webbie level has to be or either transformed into a state of solitifiedly sexiness.
yo I'm tryin to be on dat webbie shyt! I mean hottest thing to step down on the grounds.
by street pimpin handbook November 3, 2007
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Sneaky little critter that seems to always be around when carton fines are being paid, yet never seems to pay up on fines owed.
Mostly found in the south west region of West Australia, but has been known to dwell in inner Perth suburbs.
Mine sites the state around, have always had one species of the Webby or another.
These pests need to be eradicated to prevent them spreading and bringing this wonderful nation of ours into recession faster than Paul Keating saying " what do you mean we won??"
by higginsville March 30, 2009
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a twat or so called friend of mine and my friends, doesn't know his arse from his elbow!walks like a chicken talks like a monkey with a mouthful of feathers, need i go on.........
charlie:"webby what u doin 2nite man?"
charlie:"come down to mine if u want?"
by charlie-boy July 14, 2004
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(v.) to get a spider web on yourself or others
Running through a spider web sucks, i mean, look at me, im all WEBBY.
by Alex Hirsch/AIM: juicELF September 13, 2003
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