The clothing you wear during a (usually work-related) webcam meeting. Since only the areas the camera sees is your upper body, many webcam correspondents choose not to bother wearing pants. This can lead to embarrassment if said correspondent stands up or accidentally moves the camera, putting their pantslessness on display.
The big long-distance meeting with the head of the NY branch was going pretty well until I stood up...I hadn't shaved my legs in a month and was wearing my webcam wardrobe, ratty old briefs with multiple stains.
by hana12343214 December 22, 2010
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1.When a guy gets his penis caught in the fly zipper of his pants and has to be rushed to an emergency room in order to have his pants removed surgically.
Ben Stiller scene in the movie, “There is Something About Mary
by Dr. Sardonicus April 3, 2004
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A lame excuse offered by a major television network after broadcasting nude images of a used singer.
by MB February 2, 2004
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Actually, a shortened version of WMD, slightly altered and presented as art. Wardrobe malfunction-noun: something that does not exist, in this case clothing that has been previously removed.
by Leo February 7, 2004
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An incident in the 1970s on the popular game show "The Price is Right" in which a contestant named Yolanda Bowersley is called to Contestants Row and her tube top falls off, revealing her breasts.
Yolanda Bowersly, come on down! You're the first four con--OH MY GOODNESS, Yolanda's TOP CAME OFF!!!

Janet Jackson wasn't the first to experience a wardrobe malfunction.
by 1_WTC_Lock August 31, 2004
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(n.) (i) The name given to the dominant gene responsible for a chav's unfortunate selection of apparel.

(ii) The almost inevitable outcome of trying to assemble flatpack furniture from such wonderful people as IKEA due to missing/wrong screws/instructions, etc.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!! I don't believe it! Not again! This happens every bloody time, etc., etc.
by el revez May 14, 2004
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1. When a guy gets his dick caught in the zipper of his pants.

2. When a guy gets caught masturbating at a movie theater.
by Dr. Sardonicus March 21, 2004
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