A feeling of nostalgia for something you’d never experienced until recently, such as an arcade game that was popular before you were born.
Person 1: The Littleroot Town music from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire makes me feel so nostalgic.
Person 2: You played those games as a kid?
Person 1: No, I didn’t. I haven’t even played the remakes. It’s like...nostaljà vu.
by HopHoppipHarvest May 19, 2021
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Situations: 1. When a digital movie starts playing before you get switched over to the video input, or

2. When a digital media source begins playback at some point other than the actual beginning.

Result: upon realizing the title is playing, but not from the beginning, the viewer must manually restart the show. Then, at some random point, the viewer reaches that spot where they had originally tuned in, causing a sense of dejavu, or DVD-ja-vu.
So I slipped an adult video into the DVD player and then we finished watching the news, but the damn thing auto-played, so when I switched over the movie was already playing. So, I started it over and 10 minutes later, BOOM! DVD-ja-vu.
by StoneWolf67 May 9, 2021
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When targeted advertising or other machine learning causes your online experience to reflect your real life in a creepy way.
- I posted a selfie at the Hollister store and now my Facebook is full of swimsuit ads.

- Total data vu, man.
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A sexy asian man, one of the biggest simps known to man. He buys his girl coffee no matter what. He’s also a doordash service to his girlfriend. Just a total simp.
Girl 1 “did you hear what vu did for his gf?”

guy 1 “yeah such a fucking simp
by Abortionkid260 March 5, 2020
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This is a Vu, adaptable. capable of fitting a particular situation or use.

adventurous. willing to undertake new and daring enterprises.

affectionate. having or displaying warmth or affection.

ambitious. having a strong desire for success or achievement.


by Oahahga June 2, 2019
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He is loyal, better than all of your friends. He is loving and caring to one certain girl he meets in elementary school. He eats little, and when he finds something he wants, he will work hard for it.
I wanna be a Vu!
by Oahahga June 2, 2019
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Friend 1:hey wanna play vu
Friend 2: what

Friend 1:imvu
Friend 2: oh sure
by Mea.unknown May 10, 2021
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