Supposedly a personal trait that makes one "pure". Unfortunately, the very knowledge of it seems to have unintented effects.

For men, it makes them feel ashamed that they have it because they think it represents immaturity or something along that line. For women, it makes them lie that they have it because they think it makes them less of a slut.

For the religious and/or conservative, having it makes them believe they're imbued with magical powers, which may remain ONLY if they lose their virginity in marriage.
College Geek: I still have my virginity...

College Whore: I still have my virginity!

College Professor: I still have my powers!
by BusinessMan April 23, 2005
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The state of not having had penetrative sex. Someone who is in this state is termed a virgin. Losing it tends to hurt, mostly for women, but sometimes for men as well. It also has a fuckload of meaning in society (pardon the pun). Men see it as a curse, women keep it for one reason or the other. Why?

For men, getting laid for the first time is harder than hitting a hole-in-one (again I apologize for my punnyness). Dudes don't know the cues and technique to woo effectively at first. The faster one loses it, the more experience and confidence earned compared to one's peers, the easier courtship becomes, the easier it is to find ms right and get bizay.

Women keep it because its so easy to lose for them. If one is at least disturbingly average, all she needs to do is ask. So women value it, and it gains more interest than harvard's endowment did over the last century. Of course, women don't value it as much in men b/c men tend to suck the first time.

For both sexes of course, regardless of their stance, losing it is pretty fucking magical. There are also those crazy mofos who believe virginity is the key (or keyhole) to heaven....which sorta explains why losing it is so pretty fucking magical.

Oh and for you asswipes out there, virginity is *given*, equally by both men and women. It cannot be a "taking" if you give it and should not be actually taken from anybody, male or female. Semantics, people! They most certainly DO fucking matter!
Dude 1: "I'm getting laid tonight!"
Dude 2: "Shut the fuck up, ya fuckin virgin. Make me a sammich!"

Girl 1: "That's it, no more waiting. I'm losing it."
Girl 2: "Don't be such a slut!"

Dude: "I just lost my virginity!"
Samuel L Jackson: "Motherfucka, do I have to read you a motherfuckin script!?! Thrust, mothafucka, I said thrust!"

Dude: 8----------->
Girl: "This is my first time"
Dude: 8---------------------------------------------->

Han Solo: "Let the virginity be with you."
Luke Skywalker: "Man, fuck you! I frenched my sister for crying out loud! I am scarred for life! You are such a dick!"
Han: "Shut the fuck up n make me a sammich."
by tomazgeofferson August 2, 2012
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Person1: does he still have his virginity?
Person2: yeah he plays fortnite
by REALCORNMAN November 29, 2018
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A beautiful gift. Once you loose it, you can never get it back. It is the pureness and innocence of young girls. Men are usually ashamed of it, but for women, it is something to be proud of. If a woman has a strong will and a pure mind, her virginity can last her whole life.
I have chosen to keep my virginity because I respect my body, unlike some of the disgusting whores out there.
by *Artemis* March 20, 2010
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A truly meaningless state of being, specifically, that of someone yet to engage in sexual intercourse with another person. Some people grant it more cachet or stigma than it truly deserves, in all honesty.

That being said, there is something uniquely thrilling about taking someone else's virginity.
"Virginity's nothing to be ashamed of, it's a state of being." - Inara Serra, Firefly, episode 8, "Jaynestown"
by KHD April 14, 2006
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A cheap pop song by Jeffree Star back in 2012

Something you lost at 16
Jeffree Star is so obsessed with virginity and straight boys.
by pink cocaine April 6, 2021
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