The practice of shooting a 12 Guage shotgun (or any other high power long gun) with the buttstock held against the penis and scrotum. The recoil thru the gun travels to the buttstock thus smashing the male genitals.

**Not an approved method of birth control**
Cletus is an impoverished hillbilly in West Virginia. His wife Hazel has given birth to 6 kids. While Cletus was duck hunting, he pressed the stock of his 12 Guage to his nuts and gave himself the Kentucky vasectomy. Unfortunately Hazel is now pregnant with child 7. Cletus is left with a sore and bruised sac.
by M_Dubz152 June 28, 2023
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When a man changes his mind about firing blanks and is willing to have a(nother) kid, then spends the rest of his life making sure the $9,000 was worth it.
My Dad: Well, I'll tell you why I don't want you getting stoned all the time... son, do you know what a reverse-vasectomy is?
by Douglas Young September 23, 2007
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Getting a revolver and blowing one's gonads off.
I didn't want to waste the money, so I just decided to have a Russian vasectomy.
by MuthaLuvR April 15, 2014
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Permanently altering a man’s ability to reproduce by kicking him in the balls or standing on the balls and crushing them.
Dan wanted to make sure he could not father any children so he had me kick him in the nuts repeatedly, giving him a
Foot Vasectomy.
by AileronGirl August 16, 2007
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Any kick or punch to the testicles that is so damaging, that sexual reproduction becomes impossible.
I gave that asshole at the bar last night a Mexican Vasectomy for looking at me funny.
by Derp Urban September 14, 2014
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v. The act of castrating an individual with a broken tequila bottle.
Ted went to Tijuana and ate the worm in the tequila. When he woke up with no balls, it became evident that he had undergone a Tijuana Vasectomy.
by MJJCool January 9, 2012
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When a man is holding up a pinata at a kid's birthday party, and one of the kids hits him in the nuts with the stick.
Hell no, I'm not volunteering to hold up that pinata. I still wanna have kids and can't afford a surprise Mexican Vasectomy.
by Team Ax April 29, 2021
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