The way Vancouverites and other British Columbians refer to Vancouver.
I'm heading up to Vancity this weekend.
by xNicolex December 21, 2005
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The slang for Vancouver City.
A city located on the West Coast of Canada and near Seattle of Washington State. It is a living paradise, nice weather (not too cold, not too humid or hot, but sometimes snows at winters), the best weed you'll ever find in North America, and the people there crave hockey.
Man, this weekend me and my homeboi are gona drive all the way from LA to Vancity and hit up with some quality weed.
by Young Stash September 25, 2006
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Robson, Yaletown, Broadway, Granville Island), a TRUELY cosmopolitan city, kick-ass hockey team (Vancouver Canucks), great weed, and the skytrain (it runs 50ft above ground throughout metro Vancouver!!!
by Man from San Fran January 13, 2004
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A major bank found in British Columbia, Canada... every one refers to Vancouver as Van
I need to cash my check at Vancity
by Keltonic April 2, 2009
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The way douchebags refer to Vancouver. Similar usage and origins as "Van." Almost always utilized by recent residents who have moved from out of province but sometimes by idiots from Kamloops or Kelowna, etc.
"Hey I heard their were riots in Vancity."

"Yeah, you started them asshole, now go back to Ontario on your fucking longboard you Chronic taco eating fat fuck.
by borninvancouver July 2, 2011
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The act in which you walk into a Vancity Bank located in Vancouver British Columbia, and in under 2 Minutes you take all the female tellers into the bank vault and have crazy sex, with ever possible sexual move invented put into a short 2 minute orgy, and afterwards stick all possible 5 dollar bills on the tellers' with cum.
Dude i Did the Vancity Cherry Popper last night i accidently walked out with a 50 dollar bill on my left nut...
by -=.SeNor.NeUvA.YoRk.=- April 25, 2005
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