The one true way to live. There is no quicker way to achieve grateness.
I just converted to Urbanism and I achieved grateness!”
by Urbanist487 February 15, 2018
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Urbanism is the fascination with and desire to improve cities. Most urbanists despise suburbs and want to increase population density in cities. Most urbanists also want expansion of public transit, due to negative environmental and land use effects of cars, as well percieved negative social impacts of their use.

There are different factions within the urbanist movement, such as left-wing urbanists, who advocate rent for rent control, public housing, and free public transit; market urbanists, who believe that zoning laws should be relaxed or eliminated and that rent control would cause less housing to be built; New Urbanists, who have a particular focus on walkable communities, and green urbanists, who particularly value sustainability and emissions reductions. However, all urbanists agree that actions need to be taken to decrease sprawl and car use, and that cities need more population density.
Da'Qwhonn'Drée is an urbanist; i.e. someone who believes in Urbanism; he wants to nuke the suburbs.
by NukeTheSuburbs March 25, 2020
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The Religion based on the Holy book of the Urban Dictionary

Religious followers take pride in saving sad delinquents of humanoids and giving them a spiritual insight into the world of Urban

Pilgrims often travel urbandictionary to add definitions to a variety of objects while also confirming syndromes they thought no-one else had (such as Syndrome Syndrome, where Doctors can't stop making up syndromes and disorders to diagnose people with.
Sad delinquent of humanoids: i'm so sad

Urbanist: Hey, join Urbanism, we'll set you straight in no time!

Sad delinquent of humanoids: Wow, i didn't know anyone else had Dog syndrome... I'm a re-born Urbanist!
by Green eggs and Wenham July 26, 2009
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A religion where people use the Holy Urban Dictionary to obtain knowledge. It was invented in June 2013. Followers of Urbanism, Urbanists, believe, (and it has been proven), that the Urban Dictionary knows everything there is to know. All Urbanists are epic and awesome. All Urbanists try to good deeds, such as eliminating all non-Urbanists, so that when they die, they will rise up to Urbania, the Holy Land of Urbanism. As of now, there are only 45,000 Urbanists in the world, but this number increases every day.

The Urban Dictionary recommends you convert to Urbanism unless you want to be eliminated non-Urbanist.
Urbanism is the most EPIC thing ever
by matemoscas June 11, 2013
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