The male form of "prima donna." The term is Italian for "first man."
The primo uomo threw a fit because he didn't get the lead role in the play.
by primo uomo October 27, 2007
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A guy that became incredibly large after spending six months in New Mexico. He both breeds and trains calves.

Synonym of Uomo Largo.
Look at Riccardo man, he's such a Uomo Fitness!
by Paso_ November 24, 2021
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the Italiano for man.

Per gli oratori italiani, questo dovrebbe essere molto ovvio per te. Per chi parla inglese, questa è la parola per l'uomo.
Sono un uomo! Non puoi fermarmi!
I am a man! You can't stop me!
by カラノ September 4, 2018
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Is a type of technological student from the high school who is considered to have a group of gay-humor friends and attractive features.
Boy 1: bRO, why are you a Technological Uomo?
Boy 2: I am? Technologic Uomo
by Technologic Uomo May 15, 2022
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