Tymone is the type of nigga that goes on the Internet and the minue he finds a girl he try's to slide in them dms. He always gets catfishes and gets no girls at all and usually lies to his friends about general things overall.
If you're a Tymone then there's something's wrong.
by XBDKXOzoneX August 23, 2015
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dumbass that pretends to know everything, dont stay near him or braincells will go boom
saw that idiot?

yeah its a tymon
by nebabbwbbas December 1, 2021
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really owesome person who likes gaming, is a pussy magnet and has tons of friends. no one can beat him in a propper 1v1. he is a meme master. has a ovverrated friend. nows a lot of conspiracy theories and prodicted the Iphnone. he masters jokes and sarcasm like no one does.
Wow you see Tymon, he rekt me yesterday in a 1v1
by Meme master2704 March 13, 2017
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