Term used to describe people of Greek origin.
John Stamos from "Full House" is Turtle Mouth.
by ??What?? November 29, 2010
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A half cocked jaw. To give someone a look of disgust. Resembling a confused turtle about to gasp for air.
Sir McNutley gave me a turtlemouth when I told him King Longshanks would not succumb to his advances. Even after offering 10 Shillings.
by Brentus July 27, 2005
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When you are trying to poo (shit) but the faeces gets lodged in the opening to the anal cavity, often known as a turtle's head poking out. When you can push no more, but the turtle remains trapped, wiping during this scenario is known as Wiping the Turtle's mouth.
Craig came back from the dunger and informed Jon "That was a tough one Jon, I just ended up wiping the turtle's mouth" Jon understood instantly.
by Broaders September 6, 2019
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In the popular YouTube show Good Mythical Morning Rhett and Link use the wheel of mythicality they land on a "do not google this" card if you look it up you will see many spike like teeth in the mouth of a leatherback turtle
Random guy:hey don't look up sea turtle mouth

Guy: ok I Won't

A few minutes later

Guy: ok let see what he was talking about
by Blaster80 February 3, 2018
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