A derogatory name of the cuckold prime minister of Canada.
Trudeau + Douche bag.
Trudouche is destroying Canada, selling out our military, vets, citizens, killing our economy, inviting terrorists and mooches and passing the bill to the country on already struggling Canadian people.
by Ross0me November 24, 2018
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A person who acts in a manner similar to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

A person who acts in a disreputable manner and who is authoritarian, arrogant, selfish, power hungry, narcissistic & full of hubris.

A generally unlikable person or personality.
Dude, that is some serious Trudouchery behaviour

Dude, don’t be such a Trudouche!

Man, that guy acts like such a Trudouche.
by Shovelhead February 12, 2022
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