Noun- Unknowingly having poop under your sheets when climbing into bed.


Tootsie Rolling, the act of taking a dump under someone else's sheets without their knowledge, with the intent of ruining that person's night.
Dude, I Tootsie Rolled that asshole, and it's a sloppy one.
by Papua New Guinea Pig August 11, 2011
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1) Another "hilarious" dance craze loved by backwards folks all over. Imagine your enjoyment...

2) A truely disgusting yet highly addictive American substance
1)One, two, three, four, let me see your tootsie roll...

2)Oh man, that Tootsie Roll was soooo gross! Got any more?
by PetesWayUK October 5, 2003
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When in the act of porking a fat chick her blubber rolls.
I totally tootsie rolled your mom last night.
I can't believe Sean tootsie rolled that bitch last night.
by Foxes United January 7, 2011
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The mixture of kahlua and root beer. It tastes like an alcoholic version of a tootsie roll.
It was brought to the public eye by the show How I Met Your Mother on the episode "Slutty Pumpkin"
"Ted: So, uh, we're at the bar and I see her mix kahlua...
Lily: Kahlua and root beer.
Marshall: A cocktail she invented herself.
Ted: And she...
Barney: And she called it the Tootsie Roll.
Lily, Marshall, Barney: Because it tastes like an alcoholic Tootsie Roll."
by Margo Roth Spiegelman II June 19, 2009
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Done between 2 or more people; max 5.

To take the bottle of whatever alcohol you are drinking (wine, whiskey, vodka, tequila, etc) and take a swig and pass it to the next person as quickly as possible.

The next person takes a swig and does the same till it ends up back at you and you repeat till the bottle is finished.

Pausing is for pussies so get that shit into you right away.
Person 1: I got this 40 ounce of Jack Daniels but the movie starts in 5 minutes.

Person 2: Let's just go in guys

Person 3: Stop being a fag, let's just tootsie roll that shit

Person 1 take a mouth full and passes to Person 2, who take a mouth full and passes to Person 3, who take a mouth full and passes to Person 1; repeat till bottle is empty.
by Houseton June 29, 2011
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