After a dry run at the bar, and a long stiff ride home, I had to deposit some toilet toddlers.
by McGtrell June 25, 2015
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Once your food baby passes through the colon and is ready to be released... into the toilet. Ta-da!
That Chipotle I had for lunch has turned my belly into a food baby... I can't wait to hit the bano later and turn that bad boy into a toilet toddler.
by AgentDaleCooper June 1, 2017
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The fecal matter after a food baby belly. Basically the shit after you ate way too much.
I ate too much, it looks like I have a food baby (pointing to stomach). I am going to have a toilet toddler late and I am excited her it's delivery.
by Firebreathingrubberducky May 27, 2017
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