Tism rizz is Autistic traits being mis/interpreted as flirting or an overstated interest. Often results in people having crush’s on the tism rizzer while they have no idea. Examples include: intense eye contact, looking at lips to lip read, body language showing interest in conversation, being thoughtful, stimming and just masking traits in general. Popularised by the tik tok audio by Rain Stern, many examples of autistic peoples experiences with the tism rizz can be found under the hashtag #tismrizz.

A darker side of this that has to be acknowledged is the higher rate of sexual assault experience in autistic individuals. A misinterpretation is not consent, if it’s not an enthusiastic yes it’s always a no and your natural/unmasked behaviour is never, in any way asking for anything.
Why do people keep falling in love with me, must be my tism rizz. 😎
by Italianelf July 24, 2023
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when a person is exceeding difficult or socially obtuse; when their behavior suggests the potential for a mild end of spectrum diagnosis; you do not want to be politically incorrect and rashly call someone retarded or autistic, but you're deeply frustrated with their conduct and rigidity
Oh, Katie is fixated on whether I wrote her name in dust - she's got a touch of the tism.

Tom's been fairy dusted with some eccentric and irritating personal traits - he's got a touch of the tism.
by SNLinReview May 31, 2019
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When your autistic traits cause you to be perceived as flirty or charming. Autistic charisma.
“She was clearly into me, she was making eye contact, nodding and smiling, and was twirling her hair!”

“Ha! No dude, that’s the tism rizz!”
by DapperHusband July 23, 2023
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"Tism" is short for "autism" (which often occurs with ADHD) and "rizz" is the ability to be flirtatious and charming. Therefore, "tism rizz" is when you are unintentionally flirtatious and accidentally make people attracted to you because of your autistic and/or ADHD attributes like maintaining intense eye contact, involuntary repetitive motions like twirling your hair, smiling to hide how awkward you feel, staring at the person's lips to process the words you are hearing, and fidgeting which people misinterpret as excitement to be in their presence.
"I've never met anyone like you. I think I've caught feelings. It looks like you have too."
"You've never met someone like me because I'm autistic. I'm not actually looking for anything serious. Sorry if you feel lead on, my signs of interest must be my tism rizz."
by Audhd girlie July 23, 2023
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Autism Charisma. When you’re masking comes off as flirting.
I got that, tism rizz - DAMAG3, LOV3
by DapperHusband July 23, 2023
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