A Tiger is the male version of a Cougar. Based on the first instance of the new slang term, Tiger, Cougars and Tigers don't have much in common past the basics.

Tigers hunt for younger women at clubs, brothels, hotels, and adult film sets. They're married, and tend to have lots of money. They also like to get into fights with their wives, only to FAIL at the clichéd angry exit.

The person this term was coined after is in his early 30's, handsome, intelligent, upper class, and a lover of the most famous Country Club sport.

He recently put his profession on hold due to the high number of girls he had to explain to the others. He also happens to be the first instance of a billionaire ball hitter.
Example Sentence: "Mrs. Woods seems to think her husband is a tiger, as attested by her recent legal moves toward divorce."
by skylerZmoniker December 12, 2009
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An extremely beautiful woman. When a man sees her, he is mesmerized . . . . he wants to go up and pet her, and stroke her beautiful striped coat.

Basically . . . . . seeing a woman so beautiful, that you'd rather fuck a rabid pony, than try and spit game to her.
God damn . . . . do you see that tiger?
by hits December 7, 2003
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Number one ranked Maple Story Global player, famous in the community. Many believe he hacks and has other friends/family members to play for him. Term used to replace the word "fuck"
1) OMG, that guy tigering hacks!
4) What the tiger?!

1) WTF = WTT
by Tiger's hand January 1, 2007
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An older woman of Asian descent, who pursues younger men.
Much like a cougar she prowls in bars and clubs, stalking her prey. Generally more aggressive and man-eating than regular cougars.
Guy 1, "So dude, how'd that date with the cougar go last night?"
Guy 2, "That was no cougar, that was a tiger! She was a master of Fuck-Fu, and I've got the scratches to prove it!"
by KitchenNinja007 January 31, 2011
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"Tiger" is the code name which Apple Computer's Operating System Mac OS 10.4 goes by. Announced in 2004, it is sheduled for release on April 29th, 2005.

The name "Tiger" continues the Apple tradition of naming their 10th generation operating system with names of large cats. Previous code names of Apple's 10th generation operating system include "Cheetah" (Mac OS 10.0) "Puma" (Mac OS 10.1), "Jaguar" (Mac OS 10.2), and "Panther" (Mac OS 10.3). There has been speculation that the eventual Mac OS 10.5 will be code named "Ocelot" but this has not been confirmed, and has been thought by many to be Bullshit.
1. "Only 8 more days until Tiger is released!"
2. Morris' computer was running Tiger 8 days before it was released. People glanced at his screen, knowing he was 1337.
by remove April 21, 2005
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Another name for tim or timothy. Tiger's usually scratch or claw with their nails instead of using their fists like most men.
common bro! it called a fist fight! your using ur nails again! ur such a tiger!
by connor715 August 6, 2009
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Male version of a cougar; male who dates someone significantly younger than himself. Titled after Tiger Woods' incident in which he had an affair with a younger woman.
Dan: "How much younger is your girl?"
Josh: "Nine years."
Dan: "Whoa calm down tiger."
by VinceForReal December 9, 2009
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