Looking for compliments . Fishing for attention to boost your confidence .
by Lionness0819 December 21, 2014
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First and foremost this word describes someone who is trying to be "put on, be chosen," or simply garner lots of attention. If you don't know what those things mean, chances are you're using the word "thristy" incorrectly.
Examples of people who define "thirsty":
1.That chick at the club trying desperately to get into the VIP section.
2.The guy that hits on every last chick in a group of girlfriends.
3.The girl or guy whose top goal is to impress other people (this could be dressing a certain way solely to obtain complements, frequenting certain establishments just to be seen there, etc.)

If you have friends who fit this description it is your duty to call them out. If you find yourself fitting into one of the aforementioned categories, do some soul searching, IMMEDIATELY! If you see someone you don't know or care about who fits these descriptions, just sit back and enjoy the live entertainment.
by Just a random chick August 23, 2012
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To want ass/dick so bad that one would go to the extreme to get said ass/dick. Usually the non contagious disease of thirst is found in females but it can also be found in men. Thirsty men are known to masturbate A LOT. Though this disease is not contagious, do not and I say DO NOT interact with thirsty bitches/manwhores.
Ben: I would run through the Sahara Desert, get stung by 14,562 bees simutaniously, fight off Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, and Shaq all at the same time, drive a bike with one wheel through Compton naked without any clothes nor means of protection, lick a sweaty ass donkey's pussy out, fuck a 74 year old woman who has herpes, and get my penis pierced in 17 different places just to have a 1 in 32,466,244,354,845 chance of breathing in a single air molecule that has touched your beautiful lips that I would love to lick so hard right now.

Girl: Dang bitch, thirsty…or naaaaww?
by A mothafuckkin starfish April 5, 2014
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To crave attention.
Trying to talk to the opposite sex (most likely)

Like if a girl/guy like someone they try wayyy to hard to talk to them when the person isn't giving them the time of day
damn why he so thirsty..he's always in my inbox trying to talk to me,like can't he see that I don't want him !
by nainai16 July 9, 2012
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When your visibly or verbally showing how much you want a guy or girl.
Geex,maybe he'll come over & talk to you if you stop acting so thirsty!
by collegechick18 June 25, 2010
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Someone who is thirsty for attention and will do sexual favours to get it
"Did you hear she sucked his dick?" "Yeah, she's thirsty"
by 178838285 June 16, 2013
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