A judgment of how the quality of things are usually referring to how eggcelent it is.
The eggcelence of Ashley's eggs being cooked is very eggcelent.
The eggcelence of how well the eggs were cooked is very high.
by Penny Not Wise April 29, 2019
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Instead of saying 'excellent', 'great' or 'fantastic' when you are referring to:

Say 'eggcellent' you will ALWAYS get a laugh
John - "That bird just shat on me"
You - "Eggcellent"
by justaboutdonewithyourbutt January 24, 2007
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(Adj.) Something so excellent that it loses the ex- prefix and becomes EGG-. Used only in matters that deem "EGGcellent" descriptions.
-How did you do on that impossible test?
-I got a 100.
-That is EGGcellent.

I know a lot of EGGcellent facts.
by EGGceller March 20, 2009
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Eggcells or eggs is the name of the most idiotic ignorant hated problematic childish kpop fandom they like to embarrass themselves and their group exo too much with their stupidity

They like to stalk the global artists BTS and their diamonds and lovelies
A: What happened ?
B: Eggcells are smoking that koko crack again

B: Eggcells are at it again
by BolMae March 21, 2018
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something perfect or near perfection.
the way you cooked this egg is eggcelent.
by egg man November 20, 2017
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A fart that has been released from your bunghole right after eating Raunchy rancid eggs.
by FartMania January 14, 2011
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the word of the day for April 8th, 2007.
"that's eggcellent. because everythings eggcellent...today!"
by SarahW April 8, 2007
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