The act of taking a woman to your room and before she performs any services you take out a tobbacco product, i.e: cigarette, cigar, etc. Then you light up said tobacco product and before taking the very first puff you demand that your woman friend for the night makes you ejaculate before you are finished smoking said tobacco product.
After that guy took me home from the bar he told me to give him the yoel. I wasnt sure what that was until he pushed my head down and began to smoke a cig.
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A man who fears noone. They say God created man equally...They were wrong.
And on the eighth day God created "YOEL".
by Friends of Yoel May 8, 2003
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A charming guy who loves to sing his heart out. He is funny and doesn't like violence. Most likely has a YouTube channel and makes videos. He doesn't take shit from anyone and doesn't show his emotions.
Yoel sings to much
by @123456790 October 19, 2020
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loved by all ladies.
Will capture you with a smile.
Has a giant dick


Cops usually question him just because they find him so interesting

He's a lover not a fighter but don't get any ideas he can still kick your ass

He is the reason why Waldo is hiding

If he were to kick you in the face you would have to fight off the urge to thank him.
by lollypop45484 November 20, 2010
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the guy done with his math assignments five minutes into class
by hahahaahahahahahahahahahaaahah October 31, 2018
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a person with amazing looks and is very chill to hang with.

Girls love him, guys wish they were him.

He is the first man to learn from Chuck Norris.

Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth because Yoel can't stand to be with 1 girl.


He once traveled from the U.S.A to Japan on foot to get real japanese food. He arrived before he left. He is awsome.
Yoel-Chuck Norris Jr.
Yoel- The Most Interesting Man in the World, he usually drinks and when he does he doesn't give a shit.
by damn146789 November 17, 2010
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Yoel is the best person you will ever meet. He is kind, great at art and is there for you when you have problems
Girl 1: he isn't that yoel?

Girl 2: yea
Girl 1: he is so nice. I wish I could date him.
Girl 2: chile- he is taken
by Nari_smh July 7, 2021
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