When you are killed in a FPS game viciously, sometimes you get gibbed.
Gibs are pieces of corpse that fly around over the scene after a brutal death.
I just fragged that idiot with my rocket launcher, gibs flew all over the place.
by Bomba-clat, Rasta-Clat October 30, 2004
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When the body is struck with such force it can no longer contain physical mass.
He was shot with a rail-gun and proceeded to gib, a mist of blood and body parts was all that remained.
by Prefax September 29, 2003
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GIB stands for "google it, bitch".
Nick: Hey guys! Did you know that Mary Kate and Ashley aren't identical twins
Ted and Mike: No way!
Nick: Yeah dude, GIB.
by emoney-duards August 7, 2012
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To 'gib' someone. lit: To change someone into giblets, usually by explosion. Not a good thing.
by Chelonaut February 7, 2003
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ˈ(ɡibs) 1. The goo like splatter that occurs when your character is killed in a game like "Unreal tournament."
Oh, the Gibs! They went everywhere! Epic!
by Cpt Flags August 22, 2018
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To explode something with such force that pieces are flung randomly around the room.
:-man, i just blatted that guy with my flak cannon, look at the gib

;Jesus look at the gib i just got from that nade
by Ali the Punk November 12, 2004
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