When a guy shaves the pubic hair on his testicals, but leaves the "happy trail"
Zach told me he shaved his balls so I told him I didn't believe him because he still had his happy trail. He pulled down his pants and I witnessed the bridge to nowhere!
by dontuseyourrealnameinthisbox September 18, 2010
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An extremely irrational, pointless, and obviously dumb idea

The bridge to nowhere was a bridge proposed to connecting Ketchikan, Alaska to Gravina Island (Pop. 50) and the Ketchikan Airport.
The airport handles 200,000 passengers a year, which are brought in on a ferry that runs every 30 minutes, and can handle 350,000 people a year.
The bridge was to cost almost $400 million and be comparable in scope to the Golden Gate Bridge, which handles 118,000 cars A DAY!
In response to Sarah Palin talking about McCain's health care plan to give families $5,000 to go out and get their own healthcare:

Joe Biden: "So you're going to have to place -- replace a $12,000 plan with a $5,000 check you just give to the insurance company. I call that the "Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere."
by Saddamsmomshot October 3, 2008
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An idea or initiative whose costs outweigh the value of its benefits.
"You're going to have to replace a $12,000 health-care plan with a $5,000 tax-credit check you've just given to the insurance company. I call that the ultimate bridge to nowhere." - Sen. Joe Biden, 10/2/08
by Greg B2 October 3, 2008
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