The most widely accepted meaning of the word BoXeR* is someone who gets annoyed when they join a public server and get raped by n00bs.

In pure frustration you can observe this specimen join a server, get totally owned by other freezetagers, at which point he will utter one of his catch phrases like "fckn n00bs", "take you all on at osp" or "ffs spam" and then promptly disconnect.

The above phrases literally traslate to such things as: 'Im leaving because its my time of the month and I cant handle loosing' or perhaps: 'Your more skilled than me, but Id rather quit than admit it'.
BoXeR* was railed by fish
Blue scores!
BoXeR* was electrocuted by pen1s
BoXeR*: ffs noobs
BoXeR* disconnected
the donn: lol
ele: piss off hax
by pwndj00n00b February 26, 2004
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A migrant worker who boxes lettuce, tomatoes, and cabbage.
Jose, what do you do for work?

I'm a boxer. My whole family is professional boxer; whe box lettuce, tomatoes, cabbages.
by Nick November 17, 2003
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an evil invention that if participating in an athletic activity, will only lead to badly bruised balls!
2 years ago, i ran track wit boxers on and one my testicles felt like they wer being twited an frozen!OW!!!!!!!!!
by Briefboy September 20, 2008
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A boxer fight in a kind of little arena called a ring. Boxers hit their opponent in the face until somehting happens( for example: the opponent falls or the time of the match is up). Afther some times, boxers may start chewing other people's ear or scream ADRIAN out loud at any time.
Teacher: Today kids, I got a special surprise for you, a boxer in a cage! Don't study him too close he may eat your eyes.
by Mababama April 8, 2007
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The art of breaking up a fight or protest with the shock and awe of a tossed pair of boxers landing in the vicinity of the participants.
Tony and Gino were about to fight, but that boxer toss that landed on them really confused them and killed their aggression towards each other.
by Fhammer August 31, 2019
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This is what you call a fart that usually ends up causing you to change out your underwear.
Adam: "Hey Josh, that fart sounded so loud just now. That is not appropriate for work"

Josh: "Not only is it not appropriate, I think it was a Brown Boxer too....I gotta go!"
by Cheezedadadada November 5, 2010
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Boxer poof occurs when your pants are ridding low thus forcing you to pull them up which results in you pulling up your boxers as well. After several repeats, you end up with a poof from your boxers.
That thug's got boxer poof.
by ultcraka January 23, 2011
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