Meaning to get brutally beaten, or beaten up.
"hah, did you see that guy on the news?"
"lmao yeah, that other dude totally shit kicked him."
by Sandra 34 October 31, 2007
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A forceful kick that is so hard that it causes the recipient to shit his or herself.
Shut up or I'll shit kick you, said Mike to Chris.
by Batman0122 July 8, 2009
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Getting beat the fuck up by one or more. Properly getting your ass handed to you in a very painful way.
Adam was being a douche and got his shit kicked in the other night.

Hey Larry, I hear you got your shit kicked in for being a racist?
by jonasthegreat July 30, 2006
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Put on your boots and cowboy hat, we're going shit kicking tonight.
by LRReal February 14, 2012
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a very painful punishment indeed, a shit kick is when you make a blunder and suffer being kicked in the anus, hoping that said punisher's foot does not reach your fecal matter and push it deeper in, which could result in days of constipation.
"awww dude i just got shit kicked by that guy cause i was sleeping with his girl!"
"damn man you better take lots of lax"
by memedonttouchmeme June 23, 2008
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The mental state where you are hilariously drunk. Probably blacked out drunk. You also might get the shit kicked out of you as a result. See also shit-housed, fucked up, shit-faced, hammered, wasted, trashed, and krunk.
Guy #1: Dude, you were shit-kicked last night!
Chuck Norris: I don't remember a thing, what did I do?
Guy #1: You went to a frat party... roundhouse kicked every popped collar in sight, drank three of their kegs and shit on the floor.
*Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks Guy #1 in the face*
by Mike Fellatio November 20, 2005
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A devastatingly deranged act of violence.
This ferocious stunt is enacted in statistically rare cases by someone who is more than likely to be an acquaintance of yours.

The attacker instantaneously decides to go for a walk outside to deliberately step in dog shit. The objective is to return inside with the purpose of kicking you in the face.
Eg. “Oh my God! Look at Lawrence, his face is covered in blood and shit!”
“Yeah, he’s just been awarded a shit kick!”

Eg. “Sally came running round the corner and jumped up to deliver a shit kick to Colin’s face.”
“Colin fu****g stinks. I’m going out for lunch.”
by Milanoir February 5, 2020
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