Teofil is the god of LOVE and friendship Also My best friend and the guy i LOVE the most
That guy has the best relationship
Of course he does he is teofil
by Andrew daniel April 25, 2017
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Teofil has a great name for his great character. No matter where he goes he is always looked up to and leads with pride. Has the bravery of a lion and commitment of a cheetah. His intentions are always good and he strives to please everyone around. Every Teofil will always be the most talented in the community and of course they take none of the praise for it as they give it all to their Almighty God. Good friend of Chuck Norris as they occasionally go out for drinks. They both get all the chicks together and are the ladys' favorites. Has the best body out there and personality.. just don't get on his bad side..
"bro what are we supposed to do now?.."

"Idk bro lets call our Teofil"
by Jeeblash mcdigger July 3, 2018
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Teofil is the prettiest guy in your city, maybe the prettiest you even know.
Of all people, maybe Teofil is the best person you could count on, and you can’t even be angry at him for always banging your girl.
He has the power of manipulation and he definetly can and maybe would seduce your sister just for letting you know he cares for you.
-Bro my gf told me she was with Teofil last night..
-OMG, same here bro. Efectively goals!
by Arteof November 21, 2021
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When someone twerks and shits at the Same time, and the shit goes all over the floor, thats a dirty theofil.
I danced the dirty teofil dance in the Club last night.
by Seggsguy February 19, 2022
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Aspiring comedic genius turned alleged political extremist, Eusebiu Teofil spends his time hiding from the CIA inside your walls thinking about how much he envies the life of monks on top of mountains who give relationship advice to stranded travelers.
Person 1: Hey, I just got home from the psychiatrist with John. Unfortunately, he suffers from Eusebiu Teofil's disease. The doctor gave him 3 months...
Person 2: My walls.. ╭(ʘ̆~◞౪◟~ʘ̆)╮
by 69Lenny69 May 9, 2023
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