A phrase based on a misspelling of "It's a trap" a phrase and meme said by Ackbar in Star Wars Episode VI. It is popularly used sarcastically on message boards and chan sites.
/b/tard 1: It's a trap!

/b/tard 2: No! It's a tarp!
by Wreaker of Havoc May 20, 2009
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A dastardly trap which is discovered by the intended victim, much too late to react in time.


Any situation where you are forced to make a spot decision
being the general who discovers a large group of imperial cruisers heading straight for his rebel fleet - "its a tarp!"


should i wear underwear today? - "a tarp!12"
by Sammage inc May 21, 2005
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Taxpayer Assisted Recreation Plan. A program that allows incompetent executives of banks, insurance companies and investment firms to live in luxury on public funds while railing against the evils of "socialism".
Thanks to TARP, failed executives can have all the perks formerly enjoyed by successful ones. What a deal!
by WallStreetStrangler June 30, 2009
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A specialized injury found often in baseball parks. As the tarp is run out over the field to protect the surface from rain, one of the team trips (or loses a leg), and is covered by the tarp.
Where's Walt?

I don't know. He was just here. What's that bump over there?

Dude. Walt got tarped.
by PsychoPuppyDad July 31, 2010
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"tarp" is the short form of "tarpaulin", which is a waterproofed canvas
by gokukiller May 1, 2006
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To kill yourself. Taken from the thought that doing it on a tarp makes it easier to clean up
Jose hates him life. I think he is going to tarp it.
by heathen at frightfan November 1, 2009
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also known as a "trap" tarp came from misspelling the word trap.

little does the guy in the dark room know that the dick hes grabbing isnt his!
by p.nasty January 12, 2012
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