The worst halfop in the history of Swift Switch. Famous for being a moron, going to unexplanied trips to the gyno, and eating people. Supposedly has a secret love life with Nouser, also on Swiftswitch. She kills whoever makes her angry and calls in ops to handle HER situations.
Taka` is worse than Will and Psitanium!
by Josh Laughlin March 18, 2008
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The noise that is made when typing obnoxiously loud on a computer keyboard.
Teacher:"The Civil War blah blah blah"
Student:* Taka Taka Taka Taka*
by TroLLuis September 27, 2010
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Did you do the Taka-Taka today?!
by kalenko February 7, 2011
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You know what it is, If you ain't gettin it, you must be an asni
Guy 1: "Hey you hear about that Asni Guy"
Guy 2: "Yea he never gets any Taka Taka (Taka)"
Guy 3: "Hahahaha, fuckin dweeb"
by TakaTakaMan December 15, 2018
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1. Japanese word for Eagle\Hawk
2. Thae name of the best (and only) Naruto Fansub that provides quality subtitles even today, Naruto Fans' (including me) Godly Fansub
1. Tobi ga Taka o umu - A Hawk born from a Kite (Japanese saying)
2. Dude1: Hey, Taka has subbed and released the new Naruto episode, have you seen it?
Dude2: No, I gotta see it, thanks, man!
by LightSpawn June 14, 2010
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"Taka" is the best argument known to mankind. It beats everything and it is the ultimate answer to any question.
Mateja: Zosto mi ukrade 70,000$?

Hristian: Taka
Filip: Zosto mi skrsi cel kompjuter?
Jana: Taka
Nikola: Zosto si premier?
Zoran: Taka
by gaycha more like gay December 3, 2020
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Greek synonim for mastrubate or for telling stupit.

1)It used usually and most of the times by body moves. Someone use the hand as he is playing his @@ and move a move upside down like holding the @@....

2)You can use it for telling someone that is stupit or that is saying something stupit.
1)Did you taka taka today (and make the move with the hand same time....not always nessesary).

2)You are taka taka (and you must do the move with the hand in this case.

2)someone is saying something and you just say ''taka taka'' and you make the move with the hand.
by morfes13 February 19, 2010
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