A way police officer's nicely and respectfully request an individual to calm down. Without persuading their beliefs on said individual.
Police: mam calm down please.
Individual: oh the dog was poisoned wahhhh
Police: I am using Forceful tact to calm you down to avoid arrest, not persuade you in any way.
Individual: ok!
by KayWoww December 1, 2010
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The word “tact” is jersey slang for “strong in mentality
You know John? “

“Yeah he’s really tact.”
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The care a sports hero or movie star takes to maintain eye-contact and appear humble when expounding on something they know nothing about.
Asked his opinion on the impact of coronavirus on climate change, and also how it felt to see his new action flick streamed instead of released, he looked directly at the host, maintaining icon tact, and began cautiously to espouse his scientific theories.
by Monkey's Dad March 29, 2020
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