ok, here's the true explanation:

while the word wanker is a more general and term for expressing disdain for somebody, the word tosser describes a person with a tendency to show off or brag in an excessive and embarrassing way.

or someone whose explanation of a word consists solely of another synonym.
"well at first i thought this guy delivers, but in the end he was just another tosser."

A asks: hey, what does tosser mean?
B answers: duh, it means: wanker.
A thinks: what a tosser.
B thinks: damn, i'm smart...

by klugscheisser July 2, 2007
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someone who tosses off - another name for a Wanker (one who suffers from chronic masturbation)
You Tosser - (You Wanker)
A Tosser - (A Wanker)
by Urbanite August 10, 2005
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Noun, British slang; slightly offensive term: dick head, jerk, idiot, bit slow and rough, a non-violent bully, loud and rude + not brightest bulb on the tree.

Verb, Toss off, British slang for male masturbation; not the same meaning as the noun "Tosser."
When the cop got to my car and asked for my ID, he realized he'd pulled over the wrong car; what a tosser!
by Gillis1000 January 4, 2009
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English insult.
Implies that the person masturbates excessively. Also see Wanker.
by Danny Romer March 24, 2003
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Literally, one who masturbates. Common usage typically refers to anyone of whom you have a low opinion.
eckham's a fuck-useless tosser.

Comment submitted with request to Delete: "I have copyrighted the word "Tosser" for my new adult entertainment film. Please remove it from your site or i will be forced to take legal action. May i suggest replacing it with the term "Wanker"."
by Anonymous March 18, 2003
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As far as I'm aware tosser has nothing to do with mastubation but comes from an old sailing term for a drunken idiot - 'he's a toss pot' - ie someone who drinks a lot is a tosser or toss pot.
by jane August 13, 2003
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