Named after the famous sausage chef. Cox was known for roasting an incredibly thick sausage in a short period of time whilst still maintaining the shaft girth and stiffness. This legend was believed to be the best across all the land. Cox was an absolute craftsman. The scoundrel was soo fuckin badass they named a drink after the man. The drink is a stiff one..and it goes by the name of "Scotch on tha Cox". I cannot tell you how its made or what it contains because I would have to kill you but the small lady still makes them at Zone and they are ill. Cheerio!
Whiskey on tha Cox "I sure am feeling a Cox on tha Rox deep inside my mansoul tonight my good lad,, I pray to lord Capriati that Rude-e will allow me a drink ticket for one and me mate "
by m jay December 4, 2016
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Tha A is a ghetto version of how to say Atlanta also known as the ATL
Aye bruh we finna slide out to Tha A this weekend
by Zbruh3423zp January 5, 2021
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Well well well, where do we even start. The one in a million type of person. Although this name can be quit common the people with this name are definitely not!

You lucky bitch if you know someone with this name tbh.

Pronounced (Payms Tha)and nothing else I tell you nothing else!
Shittts, I know a Pems Tha! Life can't get any fucking better
by Pssskchuck November 22, 2021
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a group of the first black jews around: ty tucker and ZOLTAN. also claiming to be 'pimps' but still remain 2 of the biggest virgins around, and generally do not know how to lick a pussy when it is placed in front of their face. C
Ty: ima fuck that girl and her friend at the same time!
by yeat February 25, 2003
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chaffing caused after excessing leg humping
I had to put oinment on my Thaed after hours of humping random peoples' legs
by Heavy3 March 31, 2010
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The act of kicking the shit out of someone to clear a path to run when you’re surrounded by dudes about to jump you
Yooo they almost got Anthony the other day for his chain, but he gave one of them Tha Bklyn Special and ran his ass home
by Off the wall paul December 1, 2022
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The noble Cody tha black hopped a fence running from the cops
by lolxdcody August 25, 2023
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