A place where vlsi aspirants join as a fresher and come out as VLSI Engineers in top semi conductor companies in the world. Filled with Industry experts as trainers and leading Institute in Hyderabad. “Baap of Semi conductor institutes”. Trained over 1,256 candidates and placed over 845 students, collaborated with 93 companies and the list goes - On and on and on.mp3. And bro, they have this course called - “pay after placement” but wait how is that even possible? I mean it keeps getting better and better to be honest.
Broo remember that divyesh from ece? He did training from Sumedha it and got placed in HCL. Now my crush asked me give his number, what is even difficult to him at this point.
by Yaswanth kotha November 25, 2021
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A fair and thin girl who is extrmely soft spoken and shy.
You're such a Sumedha.
by Crazy4 November 29, 2016
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Beautiful features, caring, passionate with an amazing smile, attach her to someone deeply even if she doesn't know them. She loves dogs and is an amazing cook. Dusky in color, she is a sex goddess, has the perfect moves, and will make sure you don't last long in bed. ;)

She tries to get in shape but fails at the resolution because of her love for food. She loves to talk when she is happy and will require a lot of effort for you to make her talk if she is sad.

One she accepts you, you don't need anyone else in your life.
Love you Sumedha, have confidence in youself.
by gym_boy_rahul November 23, 2021
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Someone’s who’s super into chipmunks and loves being a fat ass but doesn’t have one
“Oh my God, did you hear that one girl was dating a chipmunk and ate all the food in the cafeteria? She’s such a Sumedha.”
by monkeyfucker123! May 13, 2023
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