The endless sprawl of identikit mass produced housing that surrounds most towns and cities in the western world. Lacking the rural tranquility of the countryside and the spirit, history and community of the inner cities they are designe to enduce a life numbing stupor into it's inhabitents to keep the 'prolls' under control. Also known as concrete deserts, they are the loneliest, most soul destroying and down right dull places on the face of the planet.
Whitchurch (Bristol UK), Enfield (London), Solihull (Birmingham), Cheedle (Manchester) etc etc etc
by black flag June 8, 2004
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a residential district on the outskirts of a city or town. suburbs are where ricers, wiggers, richies, preps, and dooshes come from.
suburban punk ass bitch wouldnt last 3 seconds in da hood.
by omi_da_homie December 22, 2004
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A horribly boring place to live.The suburbs are filled with rich people and their whiny,spoiled kids who think the world revolves around their "pain" and "suffering."
They are typically advertised with promises of happy lives and easy living.This is a lie,the suburbs are filled with just as much sorrow,hate,and murder as any other place.
The suburbs are also filled with identical houses;these and the people in them leave no room for creativity,individuality,good music,good taste,independence.The suburbs kill your happiness.Don't move there,you'll get seriously depressed.
See also hellblandand shit
Person A:Every thing is perfect at the suburbs!(ignores any signs of clinical depression and continues watching soap operas whilst eating chocolate bon-bons.)
by MIRROR April 10, 2007
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Really boring place, even worse if you moved there by your parents after living in a city.

Nothing to do, no diversity in culture, race, etc.
P1: Hey, what's up? I heard you moved to the suburbs.

P2: I did.

P1: Sorry, man.

P2:Kill me now.
by granadamazing January 3, 2009
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Evil plastic places full of evil plastic (white) people thinking and doing evil plastic things while hiding in their evil plastic houses full of mountains of useless, evil, plastic crap made by child slaves in India.
I'll bet you ten bucks that white girl from the suburbs has a profile picture of her with some impoverished African child from her mission trip last summer.
by olive81 January 26, 2015
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If you ain't ever been to the suburbs, don't you ever come to the suburbs, because you wouldn't understand the suburbs
Yo, have you been to the honkey-town suburbs
by fuck boy October 26, 2004
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Inhabited region surrounding an urbanized city where the suburbs intersect the rural zone.
by MR_2 November 16, 2012
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