To make a poorly thought out decision that results in a catastrophic failure or demise of one or many people.

To plummet from the top to the bottom at a blinding speed only to be bought out and liquidated by someone else.

fuck up spitzer
"Hooking up with her was a total Bear Stearns."

"I partied all weekend instead of studying; it was a total Bear Stearns"

"Dude, I stopped paying my bills and got totally Bear Stearns'd"
by David A. M. April 7, 2008
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(verb) to thoroughly, completely, and totally fail at life.
I don't want to bear stearns.

I totally bear stearnsed that exam.

This year was sort of a disaster; it's probably time to stop bear stearnsing!

by bear stearns May 20, 2008
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The population being 1586, Stearns is a small village 2 hours south of Lexington, KY and north of Knoxville, TN. With no unicorporated cities in McCreary County, KY, you can still get a great calzone at ZZs or have a hang-out in the parking lot of Larry's Somerset Oil or the Big M Plaza. If you get tired of that, you can travel to the booming metro just 25 minutes north to Somerset and hang there.
by stearns-ky July 2, 2009
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to crash, to collapse, to plummit, to fail
1. I can't believe it, I completely bear stearned that test.

2. For the third time this week, my computer bear stearned on me.
by Wolverine11 March 17, 2008
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To make a large bet with collateral and lose and then have your bookie sell your collateral for pennies on the dollar to your neighbor.
That dude was whacked at vegas and got bear stearned.
I guess uncle Louie was wrong about the trifecta as he just got bear stearned
Bernacke and J Diamond let the house of cards fall at Bear Stearns
by Bernacke March 24, 2008
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A colossal failure where an enormous success was expected.
The 18 - 0 New England Patriots totally pulled a bear-stearns in Super Bowl XLII.

The Patriots bear-stearned before Bear Stearns bear-stearned.
by Colonel Kernel March 20, 2008
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Also known as the Crocker-Stearns Extension, Crocker-Stearns is a street that crosses through several towns such as North Olmsted and Westlake, and connects major roadways to Crocker Park. The Crocker-Stearns Extension was built off of Stearns Road, and can now accommodate 4 lanes of traffic where the original Stearns was only 2 lanes. Many people who live on the former Stearns Road lost their precious front lawns to the construction and widening of Crocker-Stearns, but it was worth it. They can now get to Crocker Park in less than 5 minutes! It is also a street where many people like to speed, because they think the sound barriers mean no one can see that they are speeding.
"I went with Hannah on Crocker-Stearns to get to Crocker Park last Tuesday. It wasn't as fun as the Walmart, though."
by Ch-ch-ch-changes! July 16, 2009
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