One who is referred to as an idiot or one who makes seriously bad decisions and life choices, such as an alcoholic, drug user or general tramp.
Did you see wee mark was oot his nit on the Buckie again, what a wee steamer.
by Dangerous daz April 3, 2017
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A person who angers easily.

An annoying person.

Used in the south of Ireland, perticularly in Limerick.
I'd hate to have to work with him, he's an awful steamer.
by thenoelster August 29, 2018
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when you perform a steaming carl in the midst of the stomach flu...
Man, she wanted the steaming carl but when it came out, yup, taco steamer, all liquid.
by Gnarkill69 December 12, 2013
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After taking a dump in a girl's mouth, you then ejaculate in her mouth.
Dude, I gave that chick a great vanilla steamer! She ate that shit up like it was from Starbuck's!
by piggytwochainsjohnson June 4, 2015
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When the dominant figure within a relationship defecates into the others anus, and then proceeds to suck the feces back out with their mouth.
“Yo man heard you guys hooked up, what did you guys end up doing?”

Oh you know, gave her the old Cleveland Steamer Vacuum Cleaner, not much else.”
by Static The Kidd July 25, 2019
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When a guy is committing sexual activities with their significant other. And they suck your penis until climax then stick it in a water bottle where you climax in it then 2 hours later you pour it into your own butt where your SO will then slurp it up like a Chug Jug.
"Hey baby wanna Texian Steamer?"
by Blixls December 23, 2021
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Taking a dump in someone's PC. Usually as an office prank.

The user takes the side off of the tower. Takes a dump in the case. closes it back up.
"Did you hear Jim got fired"

"yeah. I heard he found out and left a Silicon Valley Steamer in the manager's PC."
by RazorRay May 27, 2015
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