A brief mental and possibly animated (rare), semi controlled personal meltdown not a 100% based in reality about a worst case scenario. Typical instantaneous body signals and or language; temporary paralysis, redness or bulging of the eyes, hot or warm feeling in the head, clenching of the hands or form of fists.
Betty flew into the spintizzies when Veronica showed up to the dance in the same dress.

Arthur had a spintizzy on the project site when he saw the contractor painted the entire house warm mocha instead of cafe latte.
by roscoe p buttonwillow December 18, 2010
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A brief mental and possibly animated (rare), semi controlled personal meltdown not a 100% based in reality about a worst case scenario. Typical instantaneous body signals and or language; temporary paralysis, redness or bulging of the eyes, hot or warm feeling in the head, clenching of the hands or form of fists.
Betty flew into the spintizzies when Veronica showed up to the dance in the same dress.
by roscoe p buttonwillow December 18, 2010
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